Signs Express (Norwich) are proud to support local charity Nelson's Journey. Nelsons Journey was established in 1997 and is dedicated to supporting bereaved children and young people throughout Norfolk. They are an organisation who reaches out to those who have lost a close relative, making sure they don't feel alone whilst going through the grieving process, and have been our nominated chosen charity for 2013. On Friday 18th October, Signs Express head Office Managing Director – Craig Brown, and Production Centre Manager – Paul Baldwin were delighted to present Nelson's Journey with a cheque for over £3,500 to marketing manager Sophie Berry. The money was raised by various different fund raising activities including; charity raffles, fancy dress days and general staff donations. Paul Baldwin, Signs Express (Norwich) centre manager said: 'We're delighted to support such a worthwhile local course. We hope to raise even more for this much deserved charity before the end of the year is out.' The sign making team at Norwich has also provided promotional signage, banners and stickers used on collections buckets all year round to help raise funds.